October 30, 2014
Professional Development provided for the Diocese of St. Petersburg by Catapult Learning
Bethany Center
Assessment - measurement of progress toward a standard / objective; the art of collecting evidence in order to determine students' depth of knowledge; data and evidence
Formative vs. Summative Assessment
-Summative - measure student competency
-Formative - improve instruction and give students feedback
-SA - end
-FA - on-going
Teacher use
-SA - grading, promotion, programs
-FA - make changes to instruction
Student use
-SA - gauge progress toward goals (competing with each other)
-FA - self-monitoring
FA adds a purpose "adjusting ongoing teaching and learning to improve students' achievement of intended instructional outcomes" - W. James Popham (2008)
Formative Assessment types:
-lesson question asked before the lesson; essential question before teaching the unit; targeted practice; informal question; essential question asked daily
FA / SA:
-lesson question asked after a lesson, as a journal prompt; homework collected daily; quick quiz before class begins; essential question asked daily
Summative Assessment types:
-Essential Question asked after a unit, Major test, Performance Task, Essay, Project, Oral Report; Big Test (standardized)
When FA is graded for correctness, it becomes summative
*obviously, a difficulty is how do you hold students accountable for it?
FA grades should be for:
-completion / timeliness
-Correctness in revising errors
-Metacognitive description of mistakes and relearning
SA grades should be for:
-"The primary purpose of grading is feedback to students to improve performance." -Doug Reeves
Academic behaviors, such as organization, responsibility, neatness, etc. could be evaluated in a different / separate grading category - outside of academic progress
-learning to learn skills
-behaviors that allow for learning - approaches to learning - conduct
It is possible to have a summative assessment transition into a formative one (or at least having an aspect of FA) - metacognitive description of mistakes and relearning
Proficiency towards standards as a year long process - keeping tabs and giving feedback to students and families and allowing for progress up until the end of the year
Measuring Depth of Understanding
Why is deep understanding so important?
-Deep understandings can lead to:
1. greater appreciation of knowledge
2. ability to apply learning
3. foundation for later learning
4. happier, more successful kids
Depth of Knowledge (Norman Webb)
Level 1 - recall or reproduction of process or skill - recollection of a fact, term, principle, or concept or performance of a procedure that can be learned through practice...basic understanding
Level 2 - basic application - a change of context requiring a choice of procedure, a simple decision, a straightforward problem, organization, or interpretation...enough understanding to apply
Level 3 - strategic thinking - both abstract, complex or non-routine contexts as well as a degree of reason, conclusion, argument, decision or planning...deeper understanding allowing flexibility
Level 4 - extended thinking - deep investigation, research, integration of knowledge, multiple conditions, a great deal of insight or problem solving...very deep understanding
Blending Webb's DOK with Bloom in light of Common Core State Standards: http://www.crecnow.info/blendedsolutions/docs/docs/Webbs_Depth_of_Knowledge.pdf
Level 4 DOK takes much time, therefore, it cannot be used very frequently
A difference from Bloom - verb usage does not dictate depth of understanding
Repeating a task tends to lower the DOK level, often all the way to DOK1
Simple strategies to increase complexity: Justify your answer, cite evidence in your summary, explain how an outcome would have changed given a different variable
Quality of Assessment Tasks
Alignment - does task require students to engage with the objective / standard
Complexity - what is the deepest DOK that could be revealed by this assessment
Evidence - must students provide enough work, reasons, interpretation, etc. to give ample evidence of student strengths and needs
Clarity - are directions as clear as possible
Other considerations for quality assessment tasks:
-necessity, tools, time, grading, context, stimuli, rubric
Assessment formats vs. types of learning
-Student Self-Assessment and Performance Tasks elicited the highest evidence of learning among the following: forced choice formats, short response, essay / oral reports, informal observations
-Types of learning included: informational topics, processes, thinking and reasoning, communication
Self-assessment is a valid form of assessment which can...
1. fill in gaps in your assessment of what students know and don't know
2. help teacher gauge your own assessments through comparison - what I measured in my students vs. what students thought about their own learning
3. promote metacognition - this generally takes a long time to develop and a great deal of time for students to master
Performance Task
Aligns to standards; engages students at appropriate DOK levels; elicits ample evidence of student learning; provides clear directions, including a rubric defining how work will be evaluated
Components of a performance task: http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/TaskItemSpecifications/PerformanceTasks/PerformanceTasksSpecifications.pdf
Feedback is one of the most valuable ways to promote student learning
But, feedback must be timely, informative, positive and specific
It should align to the standards and be specific about the progress toward that goal
Feedback about student performance on an assessment should also supply feedback to the teacher
Key strategies for effective feedback:
1. Interpret the evidence - point out both strengths and weaknesses
2. Allow for a 2nd attempt
3. Prescriptive feedback will help dictate what needs to happen in order to improve
4. Use an effective media - written on the assessment or rubric may not always be the best format - and be sure to get students to understand the feedback
5. Learning / re-learning is the responsibility of the student - what does the student need to do?
6. Be clear in your feedback
7. Build trust
Analyzing Data
To do it quickly on HW or other FA:
-Look at an entire class at the same time - spread out all of the papers and look for common errors, one particular item that is indicative of the overall lesson
-Dry erase boards
-Tech based surveys / quizzes - www.surveymonkey.com
-Gallery walk - write work on chart paper - one piece of paper per item / concept
-Class debate
-Comparative presentations
-Table of data
-Signals - thumbs up / down / middle
The word "assess" means "to sit beside" (French and Latin origins)
-presented by: Dennis Desormier, Catapult Learning Consultant
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