February 27, 2015
presented by: Fredy Padovan http://www.iteachacademy.org
"Brain Rules" by Dr. John Medina
-Exercise - endorphins, heart rate, oxygen, stimulation
-Motion can increase production - 1.8 miles per hour is the ideal rate of movement for productivity - movement - active learning environment - mobile furniture
-the brain works well when in motion
-Survival - brain works well in survival mode - figuring out how to survive
-we are programed to work in community, with others, to enhance our chances of survival
-importance of relationships - between students, teacher / student
-Wiring - regions of the brain develop in different parts at different times for different people - not everyone is hard wired the same way
-Attention - multi-tasking makes it harder to focus
-social-emotional intelligence is key - we can't focus if we're emotional
-we don't pay attention to things that are boring
-Short-Term Memory - we can only hold 7 pieces of info in our STM for 30 seconds
-STM requires repetition - scaffolding - importance of spiraling the curriculum - continuing to repeat and reinforce concepts
-Long-Term Memory - in order of LTM to take root, we need to spiral concepts and continue to go deeper with them - something learned in 2nd grade takes until 10th grade to really become solidified in LTM
-it should be expected that we reteach things from year to year
-Sleep - we need sleep
-26 minute nap, performance improved by 34%
-movement may help to have a similar effect when we can't afford time / resources for a nap
-incorporate short brain breaks every 20 minutes or so
-Stress - stressed brains don't learn the same way that non stressed ones do
-we can only handle acute stress for 30 seconds before it has damaging effects
-the emotional stability of the home is the biggest indicator of student academic success as it pertains to stress
-Sensory Integration - memory recall can be affected by sensory engagement
-learning links are powerful - our brain is wired to connect pieces of information - stimulate the senses
-Vision - our brains are really good at remembering pictures
-relevant pictures can boost memory
-Gender - the male and female brains are different - we are wired differently
-women handle stress better because of the ability to give birth
-men are more prone to depression
-Exploration - Google's 80/20 rule - 80% of the time employees are working specifically at their job, 20% spent on something that interests them that is job related
Resource for online quizzes - https://getkahoot.com
-Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
-21st Century learning - http://www.p21.org -
-Success beyond the test
*core academics - achievement of standards in core content
*stretch learning - demonstration of rigorous and relevant learning beyond the minimum requirement - can students relate the learning, connect it to other areas, new environments
*learning engagement - the extent to which students are motivated and committed to learning; have a sense of belonging and accomplishment; relationships with peers, adults, and parents that support learning
*person skill development - leadership skills, interpersonal skills, presenting, working together, etc.
Rigor / Relevance Framework
-acquisition needs to lead to adaptation
-through assimilation and application - knowledge - apply in discipline - apply to other disciplines - apply to real world - apply to unknown circumstances
-High rigor and high relevance - student working and thinking
-Low rigor and low relevance - teacher working and thinking
Achievement Zone
Too Easy = get it right away
On Target = I know some things
Too Hard = I don't know where to start, I can't figure it out
21st Century Learning - students working in teams to experience and explore relevant, real-world problems, questions and challenges and then presenting their findings to others
21st Century Skills
-7 C's
1. Critical thinking and problem solving
2. Creativity and innovation
3. Collaboration and teamwork and leadership
4. Cross cultural understandings
5. Communication and media literacy - we need to get students to understand the application between what they can do on their phones and devices and what they need to do in school / work
6. Computing and technology literacy
7. Career and learning self-direction
Project Learning Classroom is...
*project oriented
*open ended
*real world
*student centered
*communication based
Teacher's role in Project Learning Classroom is to guide
Relationships are essential in a 21st Century classroom
Six A's
-academic rigor
-applied learning - students must be engaged in multiple ways
-active exploration
-adult connections
-thoughtful assessment practices
Projects vs. PBL (project based learning)
-teacher directed vs. inquiry based
-highly structured vs. open ended
-summative vs. ongoing
-thematic vs. driving question / challenge
-fun vs. engaging
-answer giving vs. problem solving
-de-constructing school world vs. real world
Optimal learning environment
-3 ideas for improving learning:
*see the whole before practicing the parts
*study the content and apply it to authentic problems
*make schoolwork more like real work
PBL - connect to real life, incorporate problem solving, relevant research, presentation
Managing PBL
-orient students to goals of the project on a regular basis
-group students appropriately
-organize project on a daily basis
-clarify everything
-monitor and regulate student behavior
-manage flow of work - draw a storyboard of the work, checkpoints or milestones
-evaluate success of project - by teacher and student - debriefing sessions - what did we learn, effective collaboration, what skills were learned?
-Portfolio - artifact - reflection - abstract (abstract = overall summary of the entire work)
Challenge-Based Learning - students working together in multi-grade teams to solve year long problems
-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts (technical fine arts) and Math
-developing a program:
*use every space - all surfaces as whiteboards
*$10,000 to start a STEM program for 20 students - computers, robotic kits, 3D printers
*expose entire faculty to the approach - training for all
*integration across the curriculum
*CAD programing - Computer Aided Design - 3D printing
Resource: E.O. Wilson "Life on Earth" - biology curriculum: http://eowilsonfoundation.org/e-o-wilson-s-life-on-earth/
-Glogster: http://edu.glogster.com/?ref=com -for creating educational content online
-iStopmotion: http://boinx.com/istopmotion/mac/ -picture by picture movies
-Garageband: https://www.apple.com/mac/garageband/ - use songs
-Pocket Anatomy: http://www.pocketanatomy.com - 3D images of the body
-Geohunt: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/geohunt/id477345786?mt=8 - go to the physical location of a geographic point
-Sparkvue HD: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sparkvue-hd/id552527324?mt=8
-Procreate: http://procreate.si -allows for small writing / drawing that can still be seen - super high def
-Lego Movie Maker: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lego-movie-maker/id516001587?mt=8
Creativity requires influence
Drones - flight : http://ardrone2.parrot.com
Jump Sumo - rolling with jump capability : http://www.parrot.com/usa/products/jumping-sumo/
18 inch structure made to hold more than 20 pounds! |